Planned Giving
Planned giving, or gift planning, is a charitable gift made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor's overall financial and/or estate.

Gifts You Can Make Today
• If you are age 70.5 or better, directing a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your retirement account directly to Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana may help reduce your tax burden this year.
• Make a gift of real estate
Gifts You Can Make Later
• Such as: “I give to Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, currently located at 3900 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209 or its successor the [specific amount or percentage of the estate, or property].”
• Designating Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts, life insurance policies, brokerage accounts, etc.
Leave a Legacy that Lasts a Lifetime
A few moments of planning today will lead to a lasting impact in the Clubs you love. Planning a gift through your estate ensures your continued partnership on behalf of all Club kids as they strive to reach their full potential.
Speak with your financial advisor to determine the gift that is right for you! Some of the most common gift vehicles for gift planning include gifts you can make today or later.
When you plan your gift, be sure to let us know so we can welcome you to our Heritage Club a dedicated group of fellow supporters who’ve planned their gift so that all kids can reach their full potential.