These programs are designed to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career.

Career launch encourages Club members ages 13-18 to assess their skills and interests, explore careers, make sound educational decisions and prepare to join our nation’s ever-changing work force. Club staff or volunteers can use the Career Exploration Quick Reference Guide to work with teens individually or in small groups to build their job-search skills and job readiness. Career Launch Teen Tips is an easy-to-read, pocket-sized booklet for teens full of practical job-hunting advice that comes with an attractive portfolio for storing resumes, job applications and other job-hunting documents.

d2D is a targeted program in BGCA's education core program area that encourages teens to make connections between their interests and future career paths, plan and prepare to enter postsecondary education, and develop the social-emotional skills and attributes to be successful in their educational endeavors.

DIY STEM is a hands-on, activity-based STEM curriculum, which connects youth aged 9-12, to science themes they encounter regularly. Special attention is paid to connections of theory and application and the common interactions members have with these scientific principles. DIY STEM currently includes five modules: Energy and Electricity, Engineering Design, Food Chemistry, Science of Sports: Football.

Power Hour helps Club members ages 6-18 achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring, and high-yield learning activities. Club professionals are equipped with strategies, activities and resources to create an engaging homework help and tutoring program to promote club members to become self-directed learners.

Money Matters promotes financial responsibility and independence among Club members ages 13-18 by building their basic money management skills. Participants learn how to manage a checking account, budget, save and invest. They also learn about starting small businesses and paying for college.

Junior Staff Career Development is a comprehensive small-group program designed to guide youth toward careers in youth development or human services by nurturing their leadership skills and providing guided, practical experiences. The program prepares Club members ages 14-18 with specific skills to secure employment and be successful in the world of work. Using the comprehensive program materials and assessment tools that the program provides, Club staff can tailor the program to meet their members’ particular needs. Teens learn how to identify job opportunities, write effective resumes, perform well in interviews, dress appropriately, develop good work habits and get along well with others in the workplace.

Recognizing the power of the literary arts, Lyricism 101 positions Club members as torchbearers and experts in the ancient oral poetic traditions that continue to thrive around the world. The program gives teens an opportunity to tell their stories, build community and express their artistic visions through the music of hip-hop culture and the culture of the cipher.

MyFuture is a mobile-friendly web platform with access to over 325+ Boys & Girls Club program activities in 14 program areas such as STEM, leadership and the arts. With MyFuture, kids and teens can learn new skills, connect with their friends, and earn recognition and rewards in a safe and fun online environment.